I went to camp again at Camp Horseshoe in September. As usual, it was fantastic! I completed 6 projects. It was probably the most productive I've ever been at a camp or retreat.
Mystery project. If you creatively fold the towel and add ties, you've got an apron. Helps if you put the applique on right side up for the apron, which is wrong side down for the towel. However, if you put the applique on wrong side up for the apron, it is right side up for a towel, which means less work, since you don't have to sew pockets or ties :-). Okay, that only works if you hadn't already made the ties :-).

Quilt for Kids kit that I picked up last spring at Camp Willson. Quilted and bound it at Camp Horseshoe.

Baby Quilt. One of 3 birthday projects from my mom. She gave me 2 packs each of 3 different charm packs. This set was from an Eleanor Burns line and only had 52 charms total (compared to the 84 in the other two). Original design. Was partially pieced when I arrived at camp. Is bound now :-).

Second of the charm packs. Also an original design. Was cut out, with some of the sashing/cornerstones pieced. Also is now bound.

Welcome Sign for door. Is a PIF for FB 2011 project. One of five ... four to go :-).

Was basted when I arrived at camp. Is a project from last fall. Anne Kessel taught the class.

I also started using a way cool binding technique. It uses a faux piping to allow you to machine stitch the binding! It was such a novel idea that I had to give about 2 dozen impromptu lessons on the technique. I found the tutorial
here for the technique. She's got some very good photos to show you how to do it.

Last but not least, isn't this the cutest Christmas tree you've ever seen? It was in the silent auction. Nancy I. made it.