Label Cloud

#FNSI #FridayNightSewIn 1 a week challenge 1930's 2011 48 Weeks 9-11 Accuquilt allergies Angie Tedder apron arrow cabinets asthma aunt baby quilt backing backup baking basting batiks bday becca reads the bible Best Friends Bible binding block lotto blogging blue BOM Bonnie Hunter borders brownies Bubba Bubby Build a Better Backside buttons camp car seat challenge Christmas Christmas Quilt-A-Long church church group clean color challenge comfort computer contest cookies cooking corvettes for kids Cowboy Rodeo cutting dad daily giggle denim and co. design design wall dessert Dillon dillon's critters DM donation dreams DWM easy election day EQ7 ergonomic eye candy fabric purchase Fabric Shack fashion mate 237 FB fear Fedex finish first post flu FNSI friday night sew-in Friday night sew-out friends Frisch's giveaway go cutter goals gold coins google gospel graduation gym health help hem hobby lobby house HRB Husky i spy ink jaybird quilts Jennifer Jesus Jill joann's John Carr judy Judy L kitchen label label cloud Linda LQS LRC machine magazine mail matey memories moda bake shop mom movies music nap Natalie New Year's no-sew fleece blankets NQD organization oven pain panel paper crafts pclassic BOM PIF pillowcases pincushion pioneer woman plan plants prayer request printer purse q4k QAYG qfirstKY quilt group Rachel's Sunshine rag quilt rant recipe report resolutions retreat roommate safety pins sandy's SBS school serger Sew Mama Sew sewing desk sewing for others shipshewana shopping sick Star Struck Start-to-Finish Stash Stash Pot Pie stash report sunbonnet sue surprise survey swap swaps Tammy Tadd techniques Thangles thanks towel townhouse traffic trominoes ufo UFO challenge 2011 vbs vidoe Virtual Quilt Day vote walmart wasps waun-a-finish waun-a-quilt waun-a-start winner WIPs WOBQ work wv YBR yellow you can quilt this out

Thursday, May 21, 2009


Why is when one makes plans that involve a 2nd person, the 1st person feels it's okay to change them without checking first with the 2nd person.??????

Can I just scream now!!!!!!


Saturday, May 16, 2009

hair cut & highlights!

You heard that right! When I got my hair cut last night I had my friend put highlights in it. It was my first time ever having any type of color put on my hair. I like it! I am babysitting the boys tonight and my mom's going to meet me there for dinner, so I'll have her take a picture so I have one to post.


Friday, May 15, 2009

Dillon's Journey

Dillon is a little boy who will turn 3 in about a month. (Yes, for those of you who also got my email, I got ahead of myself by a month). I know his grandma from an internet group I have been on since college, and have followed Dillon's story since his birth.

He suffered brain damage at birth and has several disabilities as a result. His parents have worked really hard to help him. They are hoping to take him to China for stem cell treatments using umbilical cord cells in hopes that it will help his functioning (specifically mentioned were reduction in seizures and improvement in vision). Please pray for this sweet little boy and his family. Lift them up to God that He will provide and that He will keep them safe as they prepare for their journey abroad. Please, if you are able, help them financially.

Looking at Dillon and his brother JayDonn who is coming up on his 2nd birthday (yes, they're really close in age), I can't help but think of my own Bubby and Bubba. Bubby is just a few months younger than Dillon, which makes me hold Dillon even closer in my heart. He is a reminder of how God allows our best laid plans to change in an instant, but that if we trust in Him, He will use it for His good.


Thursday, May 14, 2009

I did it ...

now I'm just waiting for an email back. I think I'll be checking email every 15 minutes, though I know he probably does not get to check during the day :-(.


Tuesday, May 12, 2009

I have followers!

So I was just on the blogger dashboard checking the blogs that I follow and noticed the "followers" link on it. I'm so excited! I have followers!


fear of ....

rejection? Has anyone else ever experienced this? I really want to do something, but I'm afraid I'll be rejected, so instead I sit in the shadows too timid to even try :-( I guess I'd rather not know and be able to dream than to know and have my dreams dashed.


Wednesday, May 06, 2009

label cloud

Yeah, thanks to the website below I have a cool label cloud. I promise it will be cooler when I have more labels and have time to tweak the coding! I may go back and add labels to each of my posts :-). Then again maybe not, lol.

Label Cloud How-to for Blogger


daily giggle ...

So I get this comment on my blog ....

Blogger Jen said...

You kill me!! I swear every day you make me giggle about something!!

5/05/2009 01:27:00 PM

I guess that means I need to blog a daily giggle? :-D Okay, here goes, but it's not quilt related.

I babysat Bubby, my 2 yr-old nephew, this weekend. After evening church service we went to Frisch's . Since we had eaten before service, I did not want to buy two whole meals for us, so I decided we would just split an order. I asked Bubby if he wanted pancakes and he said yes. Then I asked him if he even knew what pancakes were and he said they were "Yum-yums". I had to laugh - cause he's right, pancakes are yum-yums!

Doesn't he look ready to enjoy his yum-yums?

Tuesday, May 05, 2009

Best Friends/Upcoming Left-Right-Center Night

To all whom it may concern:

You may breathe easy and have a chance of winning LRC at the upcoming night at Best Friends. I hereby post my regrets in that I will be unable to claim my winning FQ's. I have a high school graduation to attend in another state. So your winnings are safe this time.


Monday, May 04, 2009

Drool Alert - Fabric Shack Purchases :-)

My mom, nephew, and I visited Fabric Shack today! I managed to purchase about 15/16 yards of fabric - most of the $2.98 carts. We were there forever. I did manage to get my exercise chasing my nephew around the store. They even gave him a duster so he could "dust" the fabric. He enjoyed it.

The last two images are the $2.98 fabrics and the 1st picture are some yardages off the clearance section. Gotta love savings :-).

Friday, May 01, 2009

fabric shack visit????

For all those who visited the Fabric Shack last week, I may get to go on Monday. Since I'm off, my mom brought up running up there before taking the Bubby home. He has to be home around supper - not sure yet if that's before, at, or after. Happy drooling :-)

I got some accomplished :P

Laundry will have to wait until after I get Bubby, but I'll get it gathered and sorted so it's ready to go. He likes helping with laundry anyway, so he can be my helper and put it all in the washer. I sit hiim on the dryer and then hand him the stuff that needs to go in the washer and he puts it in. When the load is ready for the dryer, he stands next to me, I hand him the items, and he puts them in the dryer. He's a good helper.

I need milk for the boy, so we'll just stop at the grocery store on the way to the house, and I'll pick up my other needs then. I've got chicken nuggets, mashed potatoes, green beans, his favorite noodles, hotdogs, and hot cereal, so I think I'm good on Bubby food. Besides milk, his requirements are yogurt (he doesn't get any at home, just with me, so he thinks it's a very special treat) and cookies (the ones from last visit are probably stale - I haven't eaten any in awhile).

The quilt he doesn't need until I return him, so I can work on it during nap/after he goes to bed and have it ready to go.

I haven't vacuumed my bedroom/sewing room yet, but neither he nor study group will be in there, so I'm good on that account.

Retreat pictures? Yeah, not happening this week :-(. Well, not today anyway. Maybe later when I finsih Dino quilt.

It's almost time to get him :-) I'm way excited. Can you tell? My Bubby's coming for a visit!

So that's my list update.
